Tuesday 11 September 2012

Year 10 media

Year 10 blogger

strengths in media: my strengths in media are practical work, creativity, and teamwork. 

weaknesses in media: my weaknesses in media are analysing, leadership and evaluation.

What we learned in year 9: we learned about film posters, advertising and we made a film trailer.

What i enjoyed the most: I enjoyed making a film poster the most because i got to use photoshop.

Thursday 29 March 2012


What production company logo are you going to show at the beginning?

What shots you are going to let the audience know where the film is set, and what type of film it is?
Birds eye view of the track.
A clip of the statue of liberty which will fade out into a new clip where a car shoots past the camera.
a car is gonna shoot round the track and then spin 180 degrees and shoot  a rocket into another car and blow the car up. This will show the audience what kind of film it is.

what the 5 key parts of the story are, and what you will show of them to make the audience want to see your film (remember you don't want to give away the ending!)
The beginning when the main character first gets arrested and put in prison for murder.
When he has a fight in prison.
when he trains for the race and breaks his leg.
when he races and gets to the final.
when he wins the final.

Tuesday 13 March 2012

What makes a good film trailer?

things that make a good film trailer are:

release date:
most film trailers show the release date.

ambient sounds:
A lot of action films use ambient sounds for more effect.

diegetic sound:
most horror films use diegetic sounds like creaking doors and footsteps.

cross cutting.
cross cutting is used in a lot of films and film genres to make the viewers have to think more.

good camera angles:
different camera angles are used for different reasons.
low angle
high angle
voice over

Tuesday 21 February 2012

What makes a good film website?

what makes a good film website?

  • a trailer
  • pictures
  • screen shots from the film
there are a lot of things that make a film website good, like links to character biographies or  links to credits. links are also important on a film website.

a trailer is a main part of a film poster. it shows

Thursday 19 January 2012

analysis of professional film poster,2

Analysation of Profesional Advert 2

analysis of professional film poster

Professional Advert Analysation